For Referrers
- Contact Suro Health via email ([email protected]) to inquire about the Expert availability
- An appointment date and time with the expert will be offered
- Referrer to send the relevant case documents and files to Suro Health at least five business days before the appointment
- The Claimant will be notified of the appointment date and time with the expert
- Expert prepares the report
- The referrer gets notified that the report has been completed (usually within two to five business days post assessment)
- Final report is then released
For Claimants
- You will be advised of the appointment date and time with our expert
- Suro Health will send you some paperwork including Registration form, consent forms, information sheets etc, which you need to complete and send it back to Suro Health at least five days prior to your appointment with the expert. Any delay in Suro Health in receiving this documentation may delay your appointment
- Attend appointment with the expert
- The expert will write the medico-legal report and forward it to your referrer