Ph: (07) 3060 0498 Fax: (07) 3102 9180 [email protected]

GPO Box 1833, Brisbane Qld 4001

Frequently Asked Questions

Please bring a form of current (original or certified) photo ID such as your drivers licence, passport to the assessment so that we can identify you. Please note Suro Health will not accept any photo id document, which has expired or not certified (if not original). This will lead to cancellation/re-scheduling of your appointment.
An assessment can typically last between 45-120 mins and consists of an interview with the expert. Complex matters can take a little bit longer than a typical consultation.
No, there will be no one else present unless you specifically bring a support person to join you. In this case, the support person’s attendance will be at the medical consultant’s discretion. Your support person MUST respect and maintain confidentiality about your personal information and discussion during and after the consultation. They must also remain quiet and not speak unless asked a direct question by the expert They will NOT be able to answer questions on behalf of the claimant. The support person will need to leave the room if requested by you and/or the expert
The assessment may involve discussing sensitive information which may not be appropriate for minors. As such minors are not allowed to be a support person or be present during the assessment
You can obtain the copy of the report from your referrer such as your employer, insurer, or you lawyer. Suro Health will not be able to send you a copy of the report
Suro Health may record your telehealth medicolegal assessments. As Suro Health places extreme importance to the privacy and confidentiality, the recording will only occur with your prior signed consent form. The purpose of audiovisually recording’s is for quality assurance of the assessment process and will remain with Suro Health unless there is a complaint made about the assessment. Recording the assessment provides safety for both the claimant and the expert in case one or other party allegedly disputes any aspect of the assessments such as, the process and the content of the assessment as well as the conduct of the Expert or the claimant. All recordings will be stored and encrypted on secure servers with stringent information technology security measures utilised.

Suro Health also has security cameras/CCTV with no audio recording in our reception areas and consultation rooms. As Suro Health places extreme importance to the privacy and confidentiality, the recording will only occur with your prior signed consent form. The purpose of CCTV is to ensure the safety and security of the Suro Health staff, the expert and the claimant. All recordings will be stored and encrypted on secure servers with stringent information technology security measures utilised.